breathwork is the key to tapping into the energy of life

Welcome home.  To this space, this moment, that exists right here, right now.  With the conscious awareness of breath, of energy, of life.

I call these 5 days of Breathwork together a Journey because this is not a static practice.  It requires your curiosity and interest in exploring further, and deeper within.  

Over the next 5 days, you will experience a variety of Breathwork practices that are designed to take your on an ever-inward exploration of Self.

In the past, I have priced this offering at $197 USD. I have recently made the decision to offer it to you at a reduced price of $47 USD, so that you can get a good taste of what it is like to work with me and to get started right away on your Breathwork Journey.

When you register, you receive IMMEDIATE access to the 5-Day Breathwork Journey

your 5-day journey

Day 1 we explore the physical body and what it means to become embodied.

Day 2 takes us into the energy body where we explore the Vital Energy of life carried upon the breath.

Day 3 touches into the mind through a deepening awareness of our patterned thoughts, beliefs and ultimately the reality we experience.

Day 4 is all about activating the creative power from within.

Day 5 brings us into Unity, breathing with the Universe and recognizing the dynamic co-creative flow that we are a part of.

Each day of our Journey is accompanied by a handout, which includes an Affirmation specific to the day’s theme, Journalling Prompts, a brief description of the Breathwork Practice, and insight into our exploration together.  I invite you to consider these 5 days together as sacred.  Bring intention into your practice and open to the possibility that is there for you.

Breathe in deeply to bring your mind home to your body
— Thich Nhat Hanh


$47 USD

About Your Guide - Caroline Stewart



As a Soulful Space Holder, Guide of Meditation, and Visionary Life + Business Coach, I empower heart-centred humans go from craving connection and deeper meaning to living on purpose with crystal clear Vision and confidence to stand fully in their Divine Power.

I am a dream chaser, adventure seeker, teacher, student, and lover of the quiet.  I’m all about sitting with it, writing about it and practicing before I preach.

I am a multi-passionate Soulpreneur who is currently best known for leading a 200-hr Online Meditation Teacher Training, offering inspirational workshops and Retreats and sharing the love however I can.

I’ve built multiple successful businesses in the Health & Wellness industry over the past 15 years, been through the gamut of all the things that can and do go wrong, and learned a sh*t ton along the way about how to lead with heart and to build a solid Soul-centred biz that brings ABUNDANCE in ALL areas of your life (finances, health, relationship, and soul growth).

As founder and Director of Inspiration for InspirED Me, I love working in creative and transformative ways, with people who share my passion for joy and authenticity.

I share this message of inspiration openly and authentically through mentoring, business growth coaching, teaching, and the written word.